keto shred diet The success of acupuncture also depends on the good perception and location of the points by the practitioner. Indeed, by implanting the needles at the right places, the energy circulation in the body will be favored. As a result, all the organs will find a good functioning and this is important when one wants to eliminate his extra pounds. What are the body points targeted? The most used parts of the body are: The lungs to help you fight your addiction to certain foods. The mouth if you have a big appetite. The kidneys if you suffer from water retention. The stomach if you tend to nibble. The spleen to solve sugar problems. The outer ear is also an area used by acupuncturists. Acupuncture to lose weight: what are its goals? The goal of acupuncture to lose weight is to facilitate digestion, reduce anxiety and stress and help you better control your appetite. In addition, this practice can better regulate the rate of ghrelin (hormone that promotes appetite) and leptin (hormone that manages the fat and metabolism).
